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My Story

Me and my daughter, my biggest teacher yet.


   My family had always been a strange mixture of  love, joy, pride, and hope  intertwined with feelings of shame, fear, anger, and regret. I am and forever will be grateful to have experienced all that as I wouldn't be who I am now. At times it was hard to navigate all that was happening, at others it just didn't  make sense at all. Only in later years did I realize that I suppressed so much of what I couldn't cope with. Not fully understanding that to find contentment one needs to look within,  I SEARCHED FOR MY HOPES AND DREAMS anywhere and  everywhere possible. I searched but forgot to LIVE. Therefore destructive relationships, illnesses and terrible mood swings hand in hand with low self-esteem were all part of the DESIRE TO BE FREED, content, and HAPPY here and NOW.

   The Journey

  It only took a glimpse of the life I so craved that I was finally ready to step within and on the path where my life had a meaning, had a purpose. From that day on, years ago, I experienced a beautiful whirlwind journey of transformation. Exploring the depths of myself I didn't know I had. Discovering LIFE'S ENERGIES and SPIRITUALITY, otherworld's POSSIBILITIES, things beyond our control but most importantly within it, had all been beautiful platforms to FREE MYSELF from  limited beliefs I held on to for so long.

  Through these years of transformation, I had been truly blessed to have had an opportunity to master the beautiful Reiki healing. Practicing this gentle yet profound healing method was life-changing. I could feel energy flow through one's hands and see the calm and peace descent on a person. And to know this LIFE-FORCE ENERGY will flow freely through them again and will greatly ENHANCE  the quality of one's LIFE was  is such an eye-opener.

Reiki brought on amazing REVELATIONS in my life and NEW ENERGIES I had yet to experience. It showed me I am on my TRUE PATH to becoming the person I had always meant to be, the person I always was to begin with.

 I only had to OPEN MY HEART and listen to its guidance.

  My life's calling to help others brought M.A.T ( Metaphysical Anatomy Technique) into my life. This wonderful, simple but

VERY EFFECTIVE therapy helped me to see the world  in a different light, in a different energy. It made  me realize how  beautiful and powerful we people really are. That our minds truly make or brake our lives and how our perceived  identities are far cry from our true, full potential we can free. MAT thought me how to  FINNALLY brake old limited believes, how to understand years of unhealthy  emotional patterns and how to RELEASE them. It took me on a journey through amazing womb and ancestral  healing. It showed me psychosomatic patterns in the illnesses and ailments that my family or families of my friends carried. M.A.T teaching also gave me THE KEY to explore and release my old , deep-seated anger that I carried around like a trophy of who I am. But most importantly it showed me how to RESOLVE all these WOUNDS,  reclaim my life back and guide others to do the same. 

And YOU CAN do it too. You can TAKE BACK your power, your voice and your SELF-ESTEEM.

You are not your pain. You are who you want to be HERE and NOW.



Being a daughter, a sister, a wife and most amazingly a mother had all been beautiful lessons of self-awareness and transformation through which I learnt  to live my life in truth and with love here and now.

I am a CREATOR of my future

and I fill it with LOVE, LAUGHTER and HARMONY, but mostly I am just GRATEFUL FOR ALL there is. It is such an honor guiding others who perhaps want their life to be more purposeful, peaceful or fulfilled is an amazing experience. 

I would love to be YOUR GUIDE and hold the beautiful space for you if are ready for a positive CHANGE in your life.


You can have life full of possibilities

To you, Thank you for being who you are

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